
Nature landscape of the mountains

At Arethia, sustainability is a core value. We are dedicated to positively impacting the environment and the communities we serve. This commitment reflects our duty to our planet, our colleagues, our customers, and the future of our business.

Our three pillars of sustainability

Our approach to sustainability covers both environmental and social aspects. We believe innovative solutions drive positive change. By focusing on our products, operations, and core values, we work towards a greener, fairer future.

Prioritising employee welfare: We create a supportive
and safe workplace, ensuring  our team thrives

Safe and sustainable flavours: Our products are
designed to be both safe for  consumption and
kind to the environment

Explore our climate initiatives

Empowering our employees: We provide our team
with the resources and support  they need to excel

Tackling climate change: We are committed to
reducing our carbon footprint and  promoting
renewable energy

Fostering a diverse workforce: We embrace
diversity and inclusion, ensuring a  vibrant and
innovative workplace

Explore our social initiatives

Establishing an ethical business ecosystem:
We uphold fair governance practices across
our operations

Cultivating a sustainable supply chain: We work
with partners who share our  commitment to

Engaging with communities: We actively
participate in and support the  communities where
we operate

Explore More about Governance & Whistleblowing System
Kid walking in the nature

State-of-the-art energy-efficient new building

96% green electricity usage

29% reduction in CO2 emissions in 2022

Workforce improvements through the LKSG Project Group

Discover more

See how our commitment to sustainability is supported by our innovative technologies. Explore the advancements and research that make it all possible on our Technology & Innovation page.

Explore technology & innovation
Green forest with a glass building